This assignment asks you to present your News Feature/CNF in a different genre. In other words, you will turn your feature story into a meme, poem, GIF, drawing/illustration, poster, cartoon/comic, video, song, podcast, op-ed, short story, screenplay, speech, letter, or blog post. Whatever you do, you must create something new that’s your own; for example, if you make a meme, it’s okay to use an existing template but you must write your own text. This assignment is worth 100 points.
By doing this assignment, you will:
- Identify a new genre for composition
- Consider the strengths and limitations of your new genre
- Present your news feature in the new genre
- Appeal to an intended audience with the creation of your new genre
- Consider the relationship between the rhetorical situation and your rhetorical strategies
In this assignment, you’re asked to shift genres and make the information from your feature story accessible to a different audience–one that might not ever see the feature as it stands. Remember, you wrote your feature story as though it would be published in a CCNY newspaper. Now, you want to consider a different audience of your choosing. You will need to decide:
- Who the new audience is and why
- Why this audience needs to hear your message (i.e. the information from your feature story, presented in a new way)
- What genre will connect best with this new audience
- What rhetorical choices will make sense for and appeal to the new genre and the new audience
Part 1: If you choose to do short “genres” such as a meme, you are required to do two second genres. For example, two memes.
Part 2: If you choose to do a long “genre” such as a video, TikTok, podcast, poem etc, you can do only one.